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2024 APAC Electrophysiology Journal Club

A Series of Educational Webinars





2024 APAC Electrophysiology Session 2

August 15th 2024 

9pm - 11pm AEST

Low Fluoroscopy in EP




Part 1: Thursday, June 13th

Part 2: Thursday, August 15th

Part 3: Thursday October 24th


6pm - 8pm CST

9pm - 11pm AEST

7pm - 9pm JST



Part 2 Registration:

Coming Soon







Learning Objective

This virtual learning platform is designed to establish a comfortable environment for young electro-physiologists to learn from their peers and experienced experts to further improve EP knowledge in various procedures.

Through case studies, journal article reviews, and interaction with experts will help you understand more about Anatomy, EGMs, mapping, and ablation strategy.


Target Audience

  • 1-2 year EP Fellows

  • Practice EP < 5 years


Pre-learning Materials 

Kindly preview the below papers prior to our session.

  1. Current and novel percutaneous epicardial access techniques for electrophysiological interventions: A comparison of procedural success and safety (2023, Johanna B. Tonko MD)
  2. Reinventing Larrey’s approach for epicardial mapping: The closed pericardiostomy technique (2023, Melanie R. Burg, MD)
  3. Use of Three-dimensional Electroanatomic Mapping for Epicardial Access: Needle Tracking, Electrographic Characteristics and Clinical Application (2024, Ronghui Yu, MD)Use of Three-dimensional Electroanatomic Mapping for Epicardial Access: Needle Tracking, Electrographic Characteristics and Clinical Application (2024, Ronghui Yu, MD)
  4. Novel Epicardial Access Technique Facilitated by Carbon Dioxide Insufflation of the Pericardium for Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias: Lessons From the Early Experience From a Single Centre in Australia (2022, Fang Shawn Foo, MBChB)
  5. A New Era in Epicardial Access for the Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias - The Epi-Co2 Registry (2020, Justo Juliá, MD)


Part 1 Agenda (AEST) 

Hosted by Associate Prof. Raymond Sy, along with Dr. Stephen Brienesse and Dr. Jamie Cham

21:00 Welcome & Introduction

21:05 When to consider epicardial mapping?


How to achieve epicardial access?

Historical perspectives & new techniques: Journal presentations

Q&A with Panel

22:00 Case presentation 1 & Case presentation 2

22:30 Q&A with Panel

22:40 Closing


Discussion Panel

Prof. Minglong ChenThe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical   University, China

Dr. Akira MizukamiKameda Medical Center, Japan

Dr. Kumar NarayananMedicover Hospitals, India

Dr. Zidun WangThe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical   University, China

Dr. Hiroyuki Kono Kokura Memorial Hospital, Japan


Faculty Introduction

Associate Professor Raymond Sy is an academic cardiologist with a special interest in heart rhythm disorders. He completed his PhD at the University of Sydney, and he undertook a two-year fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology and pacing at the University of   Western Ontario in Canada. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts   in the areas of inherited arrhythmia syndromes, ablation of atrial and   ventricular arrhythmias, as well as testing of cardiac implantable devices. Associate Professor Sy currently practices at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Concord Hospital, and Mater hospital. He is the Director of Arrhythmia Service at Concord Hospital, and he is also on the academic staff at the University of Sydney.


Prof. Minglong Chen is Vice-Director of the Division of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Chairperson, membership sub-committee of APHRS. Editorial board member of Journal of Arrhythmia, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, Heart Rhythm Case Reports, Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias. 3-D Mapping and catheter ablation of both atrial and ventricular tachycardias in about 900 cases. Left atrium circumferential ablation to complete isolate pulmonary veins in the treatment of A-Fib for more than 2500 cases.


Dr. Akira Mizukami is the Director of Arrhythmia at Kameda Medical Center. He specializes in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders and complex ablation, focusing on ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular tachycardia (VT). Since completing his medical degree at Tsukuba University, School of Medicine, he has dedicated his career to patient care, advancing the treatment of cardiac tachyarrhythmias. He is board certified as Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Specialist of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society. 



Registration link for Part 2 of this event is coming soon

We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar




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