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An image from the "Sacropelvic Fixation & Iliac Crest Graft Surgical Demonstration: Screw Placement with Rajesh Arakal, MD" video on the website.
Sacropelvic Fixation & Iliac Crest Graft Surgical Demonstration: Screw Placement with Rajesh Arakal, MD
An image from the "Osteotomies: Posterior Column Releases with Stu Hershman, MD" video on the website.
Osteotomies: Posterior Column Releases with Stu Hershman, MD
An image from the "Occipitocervical Surgical Demonstration with Zachary Ray, MD" video on the website.
Occipitocervical Surgical Demonstration with Zachary Ray, MD
An image from the "Indications for Rotating Platform Knee Replacement with Douglas Dennis, MD & Brian Haas, MD" video on the website.
Indications for Rotating Platform Knee Replacement with Douglas Dennis, MD & Brian Haas, MD
An image from the "XCM Biologic Tissue Matrix Component Separation Technique" video on the website.
XCM Biologic Tissue Matrix Component Separation Technique
An image from "Sleeve Gastrectomy with the ECHELON 3000 stapler and ECHELON Staple Line Reinforcement"
Sleeve Gastrectomy with the ECHELON 3000 stapler and ECHELON Staple Line Reinforcement
An Image From "Gastric Bypass with the ECHELON 3000 stapler"
Gastric Bypass Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears with Elizabeth Dovec, MD
An image from "Gastric Bypass Revision with the ECHELON 3000 stapler"
Gastric Bypass Revision Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and the HARMONIC ACE™+7 Shears with Dexter Turnquest, MD
An Image From "Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and ECHELON ENDOPATH™ Staple Line Reinforcement with Dexter Turnquest, MD"
Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and ECHELON ENDOPATH™ Staple Line Reinforcement with Dexter Turnquest, MD
An Image From "Bariatric Procedures Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears with Michael Snyder, MD"
Bariatric Procedures Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears with Michael Snyder, MD
An image from the "Midface Trauma Fractures: Background of VSP & PSI with Nagi Demian, MD" video on the website.
Midface Trauma Fractures: Background of VSP & PSI with Nagi Demian, MD
An image from the "Midface Trauma Fractures: GSW Case Reviews with Nagi Demian, MD" video on the website.
Midface Trauma Fractures: GSW Case Reviews with Nagi Demian, MD