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The Importance of Diet in the Recovery from LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
The Importance of Diet in the Recovery from LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
An image of the "What is the Mechanism of Action for the LINX® with Tom DeMeester, MD" video.
What is the Mechanism of Action for LINX® with Tom DeMeester, MD
An image from the "Total Knee Arthroplasty Using DERMABOND™ PRINEO™ Skin Closure System with Yair Kissin, MD" video on the website.
Total Knee Arthroplasty Using DERMABOND™ PRINEO™ Skin Closure System with Yair Kissin, MD
An image from the "SURGICEL™ Powder Absorbable Hemostat Overview"
SURGICEL™ Powder Absorbable Hemostat Overview
An image from the "Determining the Nipple to Inframammary Fold in Breast Augmentation with David Caplin, MD" video on the website.
Determining the Nipple to Inframammary Fold with David Caplin, MD
An image of the "SURGIFLO Hemostatic Matrix Kit Product Overview" video.
SURGIFLO Hemostatic Matrix Kit Product Overview
An image of the "TeleMENTORing Tuberous Breast with MemoryShape with Dennis Hammond, MD" video.
TeleMENTORing Tuberous Breast with MemoryShape with Dennis Hammond, MD
An image of the "CARTO® 3 System PIU Initialization" video on the website.
CARTO® 3 System PIU Initialization
An image of the "Creating a Left Atrial Map During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Creating an Accurate Left Atrial Map During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD
An image of "ICE Views for Atrial Flutter and Ventricular Structures with Andrew Brenyo, MD" video.
ICE Views for Atrial Flutter & Ventricular Structures with Andrew Brenyo, MD
An image from the "Identifying Left Atrial Anatomy using Intracardiac Echo for Transseptal Puncture with James Brian Deville, MD" video on the website.
Identifying Left Atrial Anatomy using Intracardiac Echo for Transseptal Puncture with James Brian Deville, MD
An image of the "Utilizing Intracardiac Echo During Transseptal Puncture with Brett Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Utilizing Intracardiac Echo During Transseptal Puncture with Brett Gidney, MD