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The Atrial Fibrillation Symposium


The Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Symposium has become one of the leading events in the global AF calendar and is considered a key education event by the Electrophysiology Community to advance the treatment of AF.


An international faculty of experts present the latest developments, research, and perspectives in AF treatment, offering a unique opportunity for knowledge sharing and engagement with other participants. The Scientific Sessions feature lectures and debates from world-leading experts on a variety of topics, ranging from the latest developments in research and treatment algorithms to new technologies. 


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Practical Sessions


The Practical Sessions address the educational needs of young colleagues in the EP Community: we discuss the basics of AF ablation, patient management, advanced techniques, how to deal effectively with complications, and producing effective and durable lesions. 


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Scientific Sessions


The Scientific Sessions is a state-of-the-art educational event addressing the needs of EP specialists from across the globe: lectures and panel discussions, a world-renowned faculty sharing insights on latest science and clinical updates on paroxysmal and persistent AF. 

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Did you miss one of our sessions? Are you looking for additional video content?

Follow the instructions below to watch all our past events starting from 2021.

Please note that video recordings of AFib 2024 are not yet available



Sign In/Register with your Enrollment Key

If you attended the AFib Symposium 2023 and you already have an enrollment key, please click here to sign in/register with your Enrollment Key and access the content.

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Request an Enrollment Key

If you didn't attend the AFib Symposium and you do not have an enrollment key, please click on the request enrollment key image to request one.

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