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This content is intended for Health care professionals in Hong Kong. Content in videos is intended to provide procedural educational insight and is the opinion of the presenter or author. Johnson & Johnson Medical does not endorse the use or promotion of unapproved products or indications.
An image from the "XCM Biologic Tissue Matrix Component Separation Technique" video on the website.
XCM Biologic Tissue Matrix Component Separation Technique
An image from the "Midface Trauma Fractures: Challenges in VSP & Additive Technologies with Nagi Demian, MD" video on the website.
Midface Trauma Fractures: Challenges in VSP & Additive Technologies with Nagi Demian, MD
An image from the "Midface Trauma Fractures: GSW Case Reviews with Nagi Demian, MD" video on the website.
Midface Trauma Fractures: GSW Case Reviews with Nagi Demian, MD
An image from the "Surgical Stabilization of Non-Flail Rib Fractures" video on the website.
Surgical Stabilization of Non-Flail Rib Fractures
An Image From "So you want to do Total Joints in an ASC - J. Craig Morrison, MD"
So you want to do Total Joints in an ASC - J. Craig Morrison, MD
Innovation and Transformation in the ASC space thumbnail image
Innovation and Transformation in the ASC space
View from the C-Suite: A Conversation with an ASC Administrator thumbnail
View from the C-Suite: A Conversation with an ASC Administrator
Surgical Efficiencies in the OR thumbnail image
Surgical Efficiencies in the OR
Patient Trends and Pain Points: Establish ASC Offerings as Solution to Current Day-to-Day Facility Challenges thumbnail
Patient Trends and Pain Points: Establish ASC Offerings as Solution to Current Day-to-Day Facility Challenges
Exploring the State of the ASC Market thumbnail iamge
Exploring the State of the ASC Market
Operational Considerations: Space Planning, Patient Pathways with Robert Haen thimbnail
Operational Considerations: Space Planning, Patient Pathways with Robert Haen
Payor Considerations - Success Factors with Derek Amerongen thumbnail
Payor Considerations - Success Factors with Derek Amerongen