Future Leaders Image


Electrophysiology Image

Our commitment to train and educate the next generation of EPs is a key piece of the foundation to our educational offerings. In addition to live courses that offer a mix of didactic and hands on product training, we also offer a robust online learning environment with digital assets created by thought leaders in cardiology and electrophysiology. 

We look forward to being part of your learning journey and are committed to your success.


Biosense Webster Online Courses Image


Extensive course material across multiple specialties in electrophysiology and more. 

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Fellows Instructional Courses Image


The future of EP is more than new technology - it is technology deployed in the hands of skillful clinicians.  Many of our courses include, but are not limited to the following topics: Cardiac Anatomy, SVT & VT diagnosis and treatment strategies, Case Studies, Workflow Optimization, ICE, Biophysics of RF ablation, Transition to Practice, Hands-on Simulation Lab.

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Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellows Image​​​​​

The Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellows Program provides a personalized learning journey customized to your two year fellowship.

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Partners in Education

AONA Image

The AO Foundation is the premier innovator in the surgical treatment of bone fractures and disorders. Innovation at the AO Foundation goes from bench to bedside, including basic research, product development, clinical validation, and valorization.

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AIS The Resilient Residents Image

The AIS Resilient Residents Series is a resource center for surgical residents with training content tailored for you.

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