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HemostasisED Technique Videos

MISS Target Philosophy

MIS TLIF Procedural Workflow featuring the VIPER PRIME™️ Retractor - Michael Virk MD

Shoulder Arthroplasty Procedural Workflow: Anatomic Total Shoulder Series with Anand Murthi, MD

Anterior Advantage™ Standard Table / Tableless THA Surgical Technique with Lee Rubin, MD

PCL Reconstruction Surgical Technique with Brian Busconi, MD

DELTA XTEND™ Reverse Shoulder System with Carl Basamania, MD

Suturing Tips & Tricks

Quad Tendon ACL Reconstruction with Justin Ernat, MD

Optimizing your Comprehensive AFib Program Video Series

VueLIF Procedural Solutions powered by The TELIGEN™️ System with Michael Wang, MD