Featured Education

AAGR Telementoring Education Opportunity
Join Dr. Ivan Wong for an impactful educational opportunity to learn the Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Procedure through the DePuy Synthes Sports Medicine Telementoring experience.
If you are interested in attending a telementoring session, please contact your Sports Medicine sales representative or the Sports Medicine Education team.
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Arthroscopic Assisted Lower Trapezius Transfer and Rotator Cuff Repair
with Paul Favorito, MD
At the end of this video, you should be able to describe the surgical technique steps for an arthroscopic assisted lower trapezius transfer and rotator cuff repair.
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Virtual Reality
Learn by doing. Build muscle memory with VR training.
DYNASEAL Rotator Cuff Repair
This module details the full procedural steps and application of the published DYNASEAL repair technique for arthroscopic full thickness rotator cuff repair. Get ready to experience: “The Repair Providing Continuous Compression with DYNA suture technology” You will learn how to correctly pass suture and tie the innovative dynamic suture–DYNACORD.
With its continuous compression, DYNACORD suture on the medial row with a horizontal mattress stitch may help to create a watertight seal of the synovial joint capsule to optimize Rotator Cuff healing.