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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Academy
The AIS Academy offers in-depth education through a series of modules led by thought leaders in orthopaedics.

Advanced Practice Provider Academy
A training program providing surgical teams with an approach for optimal outcomes in surgical robotic cases.

ANTERIOR ADVANTAGE™ Total Hip Arthroplasty
This program provides a comprehensive review of the ANTERIOR ADVANTAGE™ for hip reconstruction.

Bon Secours Mercy Health Nursing Academy
The BSMH Nursing Academy provides clinical education, CE content and additional career-related resources.

Campbell Clinic Academy for Future Leaders
This J&J MedTech personalized experience is intended for Campbell Clinic orthopaedic residents.

Cardiac Electrophysiology AHP Academy
Basic and advanced cardiac electrophysiology concepts for Allied Health Professionals.

Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellows Academy
The EP Fellows Academy provides a personal learning journey customized to your two year fellowship.

EMPOWOR Nurse and Allied Health
The EMPOWOR program provides Nurses and AHPs with clinical education and leadership resources.

Energy Academy
This program offers concise learning to understand monopolar, bipolar, and ultrasonic energy modalities.

Future Leaders
At Johnson & Johnson Institute, we believe developing the Future Leaders of tomorrow is our priority today.

Future Leaders for Spine Fellows Course
This pre-work program complements the hands-on course and includes both required and optional learning modules.

This program offers quick, easy learning to understand surgical bleeding in today's patients.