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image of "Outflow Tract PVCs with Nagib Chalfoun, MD" video on
Outflow Tract PVCs with Nagib Chalfoun, MD
An image from the "Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization Using the EKG: Outflow Tract Anatomy Correlates with Jonathan Hsu, MD" video on the website.
Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization Using the EKG: Outflow Tract Anatomy Correlates with Jonathan Hsu, MD
An image from the "Ablating VT in Ischmeic Cardiomyopathy with Melissa Robinson, MD" video on the website.
Ablating VT in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Melissa Robinson, MD
An image from the "CARTO®3 System V7 LAT Hybrid for PVC Mapping & Treatment with Gregory Winterfield, MD" video on the website.
CARTO®3 System V7 LAT Hybrid for PVC Mapping & Treatment with Jeffrey Winterfield, MD