Risk Mitigation in Complex Cervical Spine with Gordon Dandie, MD & Dihan Aponso, MD

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At the end of this video, you should be able to describe the risk mitigation for performing a multi-level lateral mass fusion for patients presenting with radicular symptoms and neck pain. This content is intended for Health Care Professionals in the EMEA Region.

Part 1: Clinical Rationale & Technique Overview
Part 2: Exposure & Dissection
Part 3: Marking Screw Entry Points
Part 4: Making Screw Entry Points C3-C7
Part 5: C2 Pars Transarticular Screw Placement
Part 6: C2-C6 Posterior Cervical Laminotomy
Part 7: Avoiding & Managing Complications
Part 8: Preparing the Anatomy for Instrumentation
Part 9: C3-C6 Screw Placement
Part 10: Rod Placement
Part 11: Final Screw Tightening
Part 12: Preparing the Anatomy for Graft Placement
Part 13: Wound Closure