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Anterior to Psoas (ATP) Approach to the Lumbar Spine: L4-L5 Discectomy
Anterior to Psoas (ATP) Approach to the Lumbar Spine: L4-L5 Discectomy
Anterior to Psoas (ATP) Approach to the Lumbar Spine: L4-5 Retractor Placement
Anterior to Psoas (ATP) Approach to the Lumbar Spine: L4-5 Retractor Placement
Asao Suture
Asao Suture
An Image From "Kock Pouch"
Kock Pouch
An Image From "Enseal X1 Procedure Video - McCarus Lt. Ovary Video"
Enseal X1 Procedure Video - McCarus Lt. Ovary Video
An Image From "Enseal X1 Procedure Video - McCarus Left Ovary Twisted Video"
Enseal X1 Procedure Video - McCarus Left Ovary Twisted Video
An Image From Enseal X1 Procedure Video – "McCarus Enseal Curved Jaw TLH Adhesions"
Enseal X1 Procedure Video – McCarus Enseal Curved Jaw TLH Adhesions
An Image From "Enseal X1 Procedure Video – McCarus TLH BSO ENSEAL X1"
Enseal X1 Procedure Video – McCarus TLH BSO ENSEAL X1
An image from the "Neuromonitoring in Lumbar Spine with Jeffrey Roh, MD" video on the website.
Neuromonitoring in Lumbar Spine with Jeffrey Roh, MD
An image from the "Total Knee Arthroplasty using the ATTUNE® Knee System: Sizing Guide & Implant Trialing with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C" video on the website.
Total Knee Arthroplasty using the ATTUNE® Knee System: Sizing Guide & Implant Trialing with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C
An image from the "Total Knee Arthoplasty Using the ATTUNE® Knee System - Removal of Medial Lateral Meniscus & PCL with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C" video on the website.
Total Knee Arthoplasty Using the ATTUNE® Knee System - Removal of Medial Lateral Meniscus & PCL with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C
image of "Total Knee Arthroplasty: Exposure of the Proximal Tibia Using Alignment & Cutting Guides with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C "video on
Total Knee Arthroplasty: Exposure of the Proximal Tibia Using Alignment & Cutting Guides with William Barrett, MD & Jana Flener, PA-C