Anterior to Psoas Approach: L4 -S1 Surgical Technique Review with Kamal Woods, MD

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At the end of this playlist, you will be able to describe the surgical technique steps for the anterior to psoas approach for L4-S1. This content is intended for Health Care Professionals in the United States.

Part 1 - Preoperative Imaging Review
Part 2 - Patient Positioning
Part 3 - Marking the Skin Incision
Part 4 - Planning the Skin Incision
Part 5 - SYNFRAME Retractor Placement
Part 6 - L5-S1 Access
Part 7 - L5-S1 Annulotomy
Part 8 - L5-S1 End Plate Preparation
Part 9 - L5-S1 Trialing
Part 10 - L5-S1 Graft Placement
Part 11 - L4-L5 Accessing the Disc Space
Part 12 - L4-L5 Retractor Placement
Part 13 - L4-L5 Discectomy
Part 14 - L4-L5 Graft Placement