Episode 3: Reflective Guidance

In this episode Drs. Aldona Spiegel, Ashley Amalfi, and Essie Yates reflect on what advice they would give their "younger selves". This content is intended for Health Care Professionals in the United States.
This presentation is brought to you by Mentor, Inc., and is not certified for continuing medical education. Dr. Ashley Amalfi, Dr. Aldona Spiegel, and Dr. Essie Yates are compensated by and presenting on behalf of Mentor, Inc., and must present information in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. This presentation is intended to be used only as a podcast in sharing a specific portion of a physician’s practice and is not intended to be used as a medical, or medical procedure, training guide. This presentation mentions the uses of a surgical device only as the uses relate to growing a surgeon’s practice. Before using any medical device, including those demonstrated or referenced in this presentation, review all relevant package inserts, with particular attention to the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, and steps for use of the device(s).