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An Image From: "E-BARI Debate: What is PROM & why should we use it in Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery?"
E-BARI Debate: What is PROM & why should we use it in Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery?
An Image from "EMEA Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy"
EMEA Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy
An Image From "EMEA Pelvic Lymphadenectomy"
EMEA Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
An image from the "TPLO: From Planning to the Operating Room" video on the website.
TPLO: From Planning to the Operating Room
An image of the "Vaginal Cuff Closure in a Total Robotic Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Dwight Im, MD" video.
Vaginal Cuff Closure in a Total Robotic Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Dwight Im, MD
An image from the "Advanced Techniques for Mapping Complex Arrhythmias with Elad Anter, MD" video on the website.
Advanced Techniques for Mapping Complex Arrhythmias with Elad Anter, MD
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Patient Considerations" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Patient Considerations
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Difference in Patients, Introduction to the Balanced TKA Approach" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Difference in Patients, Introduction to the Balanced TKA Approach
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Balance Conundrum" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Balance Conundrum
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Neutral Mechanical Axis" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Neutral Mechanical Axis
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Benefits of Balanced Approach" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach - Benefits of Balanced Approach
An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach Balanced Navigated TKA with Brainlab" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach Balanced Navigated TKA with Brainlab