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Biophysics of RF Ablation with Laurent Macle, MD, Part 3 of 5: Point by Point vs Drag Lesion Sets
Biophysics of RF Ablation with Laurent Macle, MD, Part 3 of 5: Point by Point vs Drag Lesion Sets
Biophysics of RF Ablation with Laurent Macle, MD, Part 1 of 5: Overview
Biophysics of RF Ablation with Laurent Macle, MD, Part 1 of 5: Overview
Sterile Covering for the AccuNav Catheter Header Image
Sterile Covering for the AcuNav™ Catheter
An image from the "Experience with the CARTO VIZIGO™ Sheath with Bret Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Experience with the CARTO VIZIGO™ Sheath with Brett Gidney, MD
An image of the "Elevate Your AF Workflow: An Interview with Shephal Doshi, MD" video on the website.
Elevate Your AF Workflow: An Interview with Shephal Doshi, MD
An image from the "Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization Using the EKG: Outflow Tract Anatomy Correlates with Jonathan Hsu, MD" video on the website.
Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization Using the EKG: Outflow Tract Anatomy Correlates with Jonathan Hsu, MD
Sterile Covering for the SOUNDSTAR Catheter Header Image
Sterile Covering for the SOUNDSTAR Catheter
An image from the "Mapping Fundamentals: Electrograms & Entrainment with Bill Stevenson, MD" video playlist on the website.
Mapping Fundamentals: Electrograms & Entrainment with Bill Stevenson, MD
STRATAFIX Symmetric THA Procedural Video with Ryan Nunley, MD
THA using STRATAFIX™ Symmetric Knotless Tissue Control Device with Ryan Nunley, MD
An image from the "The ATTUNE® Knee System: Adoption of a New Knee System & the Quest for Patient Satisfaction" video on the website.
The ATTUNE® Knee System: Adoption of a New Knee System & the Quest for Patient Satisfaction
An image from the "SIGMA® TC3 Revision Surgery by Russ Nevins, MD" video on the JnJInstitute,com website.
SIGMA® TC3 Revision Surgery by Russ Nevins, MD
An image from the "TPLO in Small Breed Dogs: Indications, Techniques & Tips" video on the website.
TPLO in Small Breed Dogs: Indications, Techniques & Tips