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An Image from "Resection of a Persistent Marginal Ulcer and Creation of a New Gastrojejunostomy"
Resection of a Persistent Marginal Ulcer & Creation of a New Gastrojejunostomy
An image from the "CONFIDENSE® Mapping Module & PENTARAY® Catheter for Quick, Accurate Mapping & Voltage Validation" video on the website.
CONFIDENSE® Mapping Module & PENTARAY® Catheter for Quick, Accurate Mapping & Voltage Validation
An image from the "Anterior Cervical Approach & Surgical Technique Pearls with Srinivas Prasad, MD" video on the website.
Anterior Cervical Approach & Surgical Pearls with Srinivas Prasad, MD
An image from the "Benefits of Waferless Maxillary Positioning in Orthognathic Surgery with Prof. Alexander Schramm, MD" video on the website.
Benefits of Waferless Maxillary Positioning in Orthognathic Surgery with Prof. Alexander Schramm, MD
An image of the "VA LCP® Elbow Plating System - Distal Humerus Parallel Plating Technique Video".
VA LCP® Elbow Plating System - Distal Humerus Parallel Plating Technique
An image from the "Demystifying Complex Tachycardias with Ripple Mapping with Daniel Melby, MD" video playlist on the website.
Demystifying Complex Tachycardias with Ripple Mapping with Daniel Melby, MD
An image of the "Mapping During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Mapping During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD
An image from the "CARTO®3 System V7 LAT Hybrid for PVC Mapping & Treatment with Gregory Winterfield, MD" video on the website.
CARTO®3 System V7 LAT Hybrid for PVC Mapping & Treatment with Jeffrey Winterfield, MD
An image from the "A Tailored Approach to AF Ablation - How to Customize Your Ablation Strategy to the Individual Patient with Larry Chinitz, MD" video on the website.
A Tailored Approach to AF Ablation - How to Customize Your Ablation Strategy to the Individual Patient with Larry Chinitz, MD
An image of the "Creating RF Lesion Sets During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Creating RF Lesion Sets During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD
An image of the "Mini Gastric Bypass Surgical Demo with Karl Rheinwalt, MD" video.
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgical Demo with Karl Rheinwalt, MD
An image of the "Sleeve Gastrectomy with Stephen Boyce, MD" video.
Sleeve Gastrectomy with Stephen Boyce, MD