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An image from the "Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach ArthroTopic" video on the website.
Patient Specific Alignment: Tibia First Navigated Balance TKA Approach ArthroTopic
An image from the "The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Posterior Column Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD" video on the website.
The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Posterior Column Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD
An image from the "The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Pelvic Ring Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD" video on the website.
The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Pelvic Ring Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD
An image from the "The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Applications: Pertrochanteric Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD" video on the website.
The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Applications: Pertrochanteric Fractures Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD
An image from the "The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Clinical Benefits with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD" video on the website.
The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Application: Clinical Benefits with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD
An image from the "The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Applications: Upper Extremities Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD" video on the website.
The Utility of Continuous Compression Implants for Trauma Applications: Upper Extremities Case Presentation with Brian Cross, DO; Paul Gladden, MD; Patrick Wiater, MD
An image from the "Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Dr. Suken A. Shah (Full Surgical Video)" video on the website.
Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Dr. Suken A. Shah (Full Surgical Video)
An image from the "Watch this five-part video round table discussion, as Drs. Osorio, Singh, and Sussman discuss using the CARTO® 3 System in their practice." playlist on the website.
CARTO® 3 System Experience Round Table
An image of the "Revision Bariatric Surgery - Sleeve to Duodenal Switch with Michel Gagne, MD, FRCSC, FACS" video on the website.
Revision Bariatric Surgery - Sleeve to Duodenal Switch with Michel Gagner, MD, FRCSC, FACS
An image from the "Failed VBG with Nissen Fundoplication Live Surgery: Conversion to RNY Gastric Bypass Bruno Dillemans, MD" video on the website.
Failed VBG with Nissen Fundoplication Live Surgery: Conversion to RNY Gastric Bypass Bruno Dillemans, MD
An image from the "Revision of a Gastro-Gastric Fistula with Jacques Himpens, MD" video on the website.
Revision of a Gastro-Gastric Fistula with Jacques Himpens, MD
An image of the "Revision Bariatric Surgery - Sleeve to Bypass with Bruno Dillemans, MD" video on the website.
Revision Bariatric Surgery - Sleeve to Bypass with Bruno Dillemans, MD