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An image from the "Hip Fracture Continuum of Care" video on the website.
Hip Fracture Management Continuum of Care with Prof. Christian Kammerlander, MD
An image from the "Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Suken A. Shah, MD" video on the website.
Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Dr. Suken A. Shah (Back Table Rod Contouring Only)
An image from the "Osteosynthesis Implant Removal: The Challenges & Solutions" video on the website.
Osteosynthesis Implant Removal – Challenges & Solutions with Prof. Reto Babst, MD & PD Dagmar Vos, MD
Image from: "Sacro-Pelvic Fixation" on the website
Sacro-Pelvic Fixation – Today’s Surgical Options
An image from the "Lisfranc Arthrodesis: Using Autogenous Bone Graft & the Trephine Technique with Alan Ng, DPM, FACFAS" video on the website.
Lisfranc Arthrodesis: Using Autogenous Bone Graft & the Trephine Technique with Alan Ng, DPM, FACFAS
An image of the "Intracardiac Echo Views During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD" video on the website.
Intracardiac Echo Views During the AF Procedure with Brett Gidney, MD
An image of the "Approaches to Atypical Flutter with Ivan Ho, MD" video on the website.
Approaches to Atypical Atrial Flutter with Ivan Ho, MD
An image of the "VA Locking Hand System - First Metacarpal Plate, Lateral Approach with Thomas Fischer, MD" video.
VA Locking Hand System - First Metacarpal Plate, Lateral Approach with Thomas Fischer, MD
An image of the "VA Locking Hand System - Phalangeal Head Plate with Thomas Fischer, MD" video.
VA Locking Hand System - Phalangeal Head Plate with Thomas Fischer, MD